2020 – 2021 Season

The 2020 – 2021 Season game is called Change-Up and while it is based on the official VEX Robotics Game, for the CWU GEARUP program the game is slightly adopted. CWU GEARUP Game Changes Instead of Balls we will use Cubes The game rules are subsequently amended and changed slightly to reflect the use of Cubes versus Balls. The season will start with Skills Only through December The second half of the season January onwards will consist of 1 or more tournaments followed by the CWU GEARUP Robotics Championship

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Document Library

Here you find a collection of documents and manuals specifically for use by the CWU GEARUP program. 2020 – 2021 CWU GEARUP Game Manuals PROS V5 Programming Resources Learning C++ Resources Virtual Skill Tournament Setup

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Tool Safety

Tool safety is very important when building robots.  Taking a bit of time, can save your limbs if not your life, so please take a bit of time to learn proper tool use, using the below resources, and test your skill afterwards by completing a two page test. Prior to using any of the power tools – in particular a bandsaw, drill press, grinder and dremel, you should take a tool safety test on each of the tools.  Unless you are checked-off on each tools use, you should not be using these tools. Safety instructions for the bandsaw – video link…

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Communication Tools

For the CWU GEARUP Robotics program we will use a number of communication tools to connect teams, coaches and mentors together. SLACK is an innovative communication tool used by most of the top engineering (technology) companies in the world to help Engineering teams to collaborate on projects and get them completed fast. Channels and integrations remove friction between teams and functions, helping you go from kickoff to completion time of a robot in less time. Installing SLACK client – clients are available for Windows, MacOS, IOS, Android: SLACK Download Instructions on how to join the CWU GEARUP Robotics SLACK workspace:  SLACK Signup Instructions TeamViewer…

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Teams participating in the CWU GEARUP program are encouraged to use GitHUB for their code management.  GitHUB is also used to share programming samples and templates with the teams. Using GitHub and GIT with PROS  GIT and gitHUB Guide (PPT)  GIT and gitHUB Guide (PDF)  GIT and gitHUB Guide (KEY) Project Templates for PROS V5 Robot on gitHUB Projects linked here should be forked to your own repository and then can be used as a basis to create your own robot code. See the include manual above for how to fork a project. Basic robot with subsystem organized code modules PROSV5-ClassOct04…

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