Tool safety is very important when building robots. Taking a bit of time, can save your limbs if not your life, so please take a bit of time to learn proper tool use, using the below resources, and test your skill afterwards by completing a two page test.
Prior to using any of the power tools – in particular a bandsaw, drill press, grinder and dremel, you should take a tool safety test on each of the tools. Unless you are checked-off on each tools use, you should not be using these tools.
- Safety instructions for the bandsaw – video link
- Safety instructions for the drill press – video link
- Safety instructions for the dremmel – video link video link
- Safety instructions for hand tools –video link
- Safety instructions for bench grinder – video link
- Hack saw safety and use instructions – video link
- Eye protection – video link
- Cutt-off Grinder / Angle Grinder – video link
- Cutt-off wheels for Aluminum – video link
Some other important documents regarding your safety and the safety of those around you:
- Safety symbols and their meaning –
Warning and Safety Symbols Definitions
- General Safety rules for the robotics work room –
Safety Rules Robotics
- Safety Test – test your knowledge on the key tools –
Robotics Tool Safety Test